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5 books that you must read if you are serious about success

Successful people read a lot, And never stop learning.
If you are not learning and teaching yourself there would be-
"No difference between who you are today and who you would be tomorrow". so keep learning and keep growing.

Here, In this blog-post, I am gonna tell you some of the best success related(self-help) books that you must read. All the books given below are the best of their own category. In short, you would know about 5 best books from 5 different categories that will help you to show the path towards your success.

5 books that you must read if you are serious about success

Before getting to the point, let me clear your views about this question(?)-

why you should read books?

A very very common question!
If you talk about the world's 3rd richest man i.e Warren Buffet. He gives the credit of all of his knowledge and riches to a book called "THE INTEllIGENT INVESTOR" written by Benjamin Graham. Even if you talk about worlds second richest man i.e Bill Gates(Microsoft founder), at this age too, he reads a lot of books and posts its summary on 
Books are an amazing source of knowledge and you can get the experience of the whole life of an author, sitting in a place and enjoying the books. Because no author wants his books a bit less than perfect.

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Now, let's talk about those golden books that you are going to read after reading my article

1. Rich dad poor dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

One of the best financial book ever written. This book can raise your financial intelligence to a very high level. the book is written in very simple language so that even people of other backgrounds can easily gain and understand financial topics and its importance.
5 books that you must read if you are serious about success
Rich dad poor dad

In this book, the author had shared his lifelong experience and how he got a secured financial future. He told about his rich dad-actually rich from his thoughts and money and poor dad- though earning
but not able to generate assets. 
His definition of assets and liabilities is quite different from what we know.
First chapter-
The Rich don't work for money 

2. Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill

Can you name a single fortune who didn't read this book, I know you can't. The book is very popular among businessmen, entrepreneurs etc.
Every chapter of this book gives you money making secrets, that's why the book is so popular. 
The secrets formula that is given in the book to achieve riches 
 was introduced by Andrew Carnegie to the author who was not aware of this.
5 books that you must read if you are serious about success
Think and grow rich
Before writing this book author analyzed the life of many successful businessmen to find habits and formula which is common among them and followed by them to achieve success.
First few chapters of this book is just a motivational dose to you that you can also achieve success.
The offer on this book is irresistible (just Rs 70), click below to buy-

3. The Power of your subconscious mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy

Best affirmation, given in the book-
I can do all the things through the power of my subconcious mind
This book took its place in both science and religion. The book gives an answer to why you pray & why you must pray.
The author explains that with the help of your subconscious mind you can achieve anything. As the title suggests the book revolves around how to use your mind to achieve your aims and taste the success.
5 books that you must read if you are serious about success
The power of your subconscious mind

>>3 lessons from the book to help you tap into the subconscious part of your mind-
 1. Use visualization as a way to exploit the placebo effect.
 2. Make use of affirmation to help your mind believe that you can do it.
 3. If you can’t decide between several options, give yourself a night to sleep over it.
The offer on this book is irresistible (just Rs 75), click below to buy

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4. The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey

As the title of this book suggests the book tells you about 7 habits that makes you effective and productive as well. This book is one of the best self-help book of all times.
5 books that you must read if you are serious about success
The 7 habits of highly effective people

As per the author, the 7 habits that make you effective are-

  • Be proactive
  • Begin with the end in mind
  • Put first things first
  • Think win-win
  • Seek first to understand, then to be understood
  • Synergize
  • Sharpen the saw
# Core principle of this book as per covey-
 The real change comes not from the outside in,But from the inside out 

5.  The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This book is one of the best motivational book ever written. It's actually a storybook but in reality, it is more than that. Its a guide about following your dream.
5 books that you must read if you are serious about success
The Alchemist
The story is about a shepherd boy who follows his dreams of finding a treasure. To find the treasure he struggles a lot, works on a glass shop for many years, crosses long deserts to make his dream a reality. And in the end, he successfully got his treasure. But there is a good climax at the end that I am not going to tell you because it might ruin your wish to read the whole book. The book is very motivating and written in a very lucid language.

If you think that some other book must be in this list then comment below👇👇 its name along with the reason

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Thanks for Reading - 5 books that you must read if you are serious about success

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